You people need to start listening to my insane ramblings

Oh. My. Fucking. God. Did you see the headline? Did you see it? “Spiders” Have Built a Lunar Cave System, Scientists Say. Let me repeat that: GIANT FUCKING SPIDERS. ON THE MOON. BUILDING CAVES.

I knew it. I fucking knew it. I’ve been saying this for years, people. YEARS. And did anyone listen? NO. NO, THEY FUCKING DIDN’T. They just rolled their eyes and shook their heads, like I was some crazy conspiracy theorist. Well, who’s laughing now, huh? WHO’S LAUGHING NOW?

You know how I know? Because THE JEFF has a sixth sense about stuff like this. I can smell arachnids from a mile away. Literally. My ex-wife always said I had a nose like a bloodhound when it comes to spiders. Well, holmes, too bad you didn’t cheat on me with a spider, because then I would have found out about it way earlier.

I’ll give you the highlights of the story, since I know you’re too lazy to read the whole damn article (as am I). Turns out, NASA was analyzing some lunar images from the latest mission, when they discovered these weird-ass structures all over the place. They thought it was just some freaky rock formation…until they zoomed in and realized it was fucking spider-built caves. ON THE MOON!

But wait, there’s more! Because apparently, these eight-legged freaks of nature didn’t just spin some silky webs for shits and giggles. Oh no, they went full-on property developer, building themselves little cave hideaways to hide from the harsh lunar conditions. Ain’t that just precious?

And let me tell you something, these ain’t no little itsy bitsy spiders we’re talking about here. I’m talking full-fledged, Godzilla-sized tarantulas. With fangs like switchblades and eyes like little black marbles. I shiver just thinking about it.

So, how did this happen? Good question, Gladys. Apparently, some cosmic dust got caught in a lunar gravity well, and BOOM! Instant moon spiders. Science is wild, right?

But forget all that geeky shit. What matters is that I, THE JEFF, the man, the myth, the legend, was right all along. I always said there was more to life than meets the eye. And I was goddamn right. Giant spiders on the fucking moon? Check. Proof that aliens are real? I bet you dollars to donuts that we’ll find that out soon enough, too.

So, the moral of the story? Always trust THE JEFF. Especially when THE JEFF is talking about giant moon spiders. Because THE JEFF has the truth, and the truth is out there…and it’s wearing fucking spider silk pants.