Can This Marriage Be Saved? Why Living Apart Together (LAT) Saved My Marriage
Sometimes you just need a whole lotta space amirite

I knew my partner and I were on shaky ground when we started binge watching Netflix together. He didn’t even like reality TV! We’d been married nearly ten days at that point, and yet it felt like our relationship was on a collision course with nuclear winter. But then one day I stumbled upon an unlikely solution – Living Apart Together, or LAT for short. Suddenly everything clicked into place, and I realized that LAT was the solution that could make our marriage tolerable for both of us!
In hindsight, there were numerous warning signs that our partnership was teetering on the brink of disaster. For example, when I would arrive home from work each evening exhausted and craving some quiet time to unwind, instead I found myself greeted by a loud argument over why no dishes had been done yet. Meanwhile, evenings out with friends were no longer fun – every conversation seemed tainted by petty squabbles about how many socks needed washing or whose turn it was to buy toilet paper.
So how exactly did living apart together change everything? Well, first and foremost, it allowed us both the space we desperately needed away from each other. No more late night arguments about mundane chores or endless discussions about whose husband is better than mine and why. Instead, I found myself enjoying long walks alone, reading books by candlelight, and finally finishing that painting project I had been putting off for months. Even better, my partner reported feeling much more relaxed too, having rediscovered his love for gambling and having sex with prostitutes. And you know what they say – happy (and nonexistent) spouse, happy house!
Secondly, by making the decision to LAT, we managed to save ourselves a whole heap of money on groceries, utility bills, and petty disputes about who owes whom twenty bucks for whatever reason. Instead of splitting expenses down the middle and keeping meticulous records, we now only pay for our own things and ignore any requests for reimbursement sent via email. It’s like we’ve taken out a joint mortgage but without all that annoying contact with each other.
And let’s not forget the simple fact that now we don’t even have to remember each others’ names anymore. As long as I can keep calling him “that guy I am technically married to,” and he remembers me as “the pretty lady who occasionally sends passive aggressive texts,” then I think we are on solid ground here.
In conclusion, if your relationship is on the rocks like ours once was, then consider taking the plunge into the world of LAT. It may seem daunting at first, but trust me – once you taste true freedom from your spouse/partner/lover/enemy/whatever it may be, there really is no turning back!