“Pigging Out” and Five Other Species-Phobic Phrases You Need to Stop Saying If You Want to Keep Your Job
These chickens are coming home to roost

Attention, species haters! Yes, you heard me right – we need to have a candid, robust, and judgmental conversation about the language we use in the workplace, and you need to agree that it’s time to ditch those species-phobic phrases for good. Why, you ask? Well, because in a world where we’re all fighting for equal rights and representation, we can’t afford to be perpetuating speciesism in our everyday conversations. So, if you wanna keep that sweet, sweet paycheck rolling in, better pay attention to these five problematic phrases and start erasing them from your vocab STAT.
First up, we’ve got the timeless classic “pigging out.” Now, I’m not saying we shouldn’t appreciate the deliciousness that is processed foods, but do we really need to use an actual species as a verb to describe gluttony? No. Do we need to perpetuate the notion that some individuals are “pigs”? Nope. So, let’s start practicing some species sensitivity and find alternatives like “overindulging” or “overly targeted eating,” shall we?
Next on our list is “bull(s)**t.” We’re all grown-ups here, so we know that we’re not actually calling anything out that even remotely resembles a pile of cow dung. But is it really necessary to use a term that could make our cow friends feel a little bit less-than? Nope! Time to say goodbye to “bull(s)**t” and embrace “nonsense” or “baloney.” It’s time for species peace!
Number three on our list of species-phobic phrases is “horse around.” Now, who doesn’t love playing around with their friends? But is it really a good idea to compare ourselves to beautiful, majestic creatures just to describe playful behavior? I think not! Time to let “fooling around” or “clowning around” take the reins (sorry, I had to) and show some species solidarity.
Fourth, we have the always classic “duck out.” Look, nobody wants to stick around at that dreaded office holiday party longer than they have to, but let’s cut the ducks some slack, shall we? It’s time to start using gentler terms like “leave” or “make a hasty exit.” Duckdom deserves our respect.
Last, but not least, we’ve got “monkey business.” Now I’m not saying that the financial industry is full of simians running amok, but the phrase doesn’t exactly make them sound like valued members of society, now does it? So, here’s where we need to step it up: “shenanigans” or “mischief,” everybody!
So, ‘fess up – which of these species-phobic phrases are you guilty of using in the past? And more importantly, are you ready to commit to eradicating these species-ist terms from your vocab forever? I mean, if you want to keep that day job, you better be! We’ll be watching!