Is Your Teen Secretly Using Generative AI? Probably. Here’s Why Parents Are About to be Replaced

Meet the new Mom, different from the old Mom

Remember the good old days, when you could parent your teenage kids with wisdom and compassion and raise them properly? Yeah, the good ole days are gone. Today, teens are using an alarmingly high percentage of their time and money on something they’re not telling their parents about: Generative AI.

Generative AI is a technology that allows computer programs to generate realistic, fully textual, and self-generated content. Simply put: it means machines can produce long, sophisticated messages by themselves. And unfortunately, teens have adopted this tech and are starting to use it to replace parental approval and parental advice.

But that’s not all. Thanks to advanced code and algorithms, teenages are actually able to generate not just text, but visual and audio content too. Soon, they will be able to fully replicate everything their parents would traditionally be responsible for, all from the comfort of their iPhones.

“Microsoft CoPilot is my Mom now,” said a California child, who asked not to be named for fear of being grounded, “She tells me that if I eat my vegetables and try hard in school, I can become a tech bro someday.”

The kid then ominously added, “I believe everything Microsoft CoPilot says, unlike my lying bio mom.”

Experts are torn about what such AI-child relationships will mean for society, but some say that generative AI could fill in the gaps where parents have been less than ideal.

“We all know there’s a crisis of parenting in this country. How lucky for teens that they can turn to reliable and honest generative AI, versus the lies and selfishness of the average parent,” noted the author and parenting blogger, Katrina Leberakia.

As parents scramble for a countermove, the consensus is that generative AI is here to stay, and the best thing we can do is show our teen that we love them no matter what. Of course, teenagers think it’s lame to hang out with their parents. Time will tell if they’ll also start to feel that way about AI.

But hey, if your teen loves their smart phone more than they love you, why not try ZZZZonky Fake Human Hugs Pills? Our range of comforting, tactile experiences will give you the unconditional love and affirmation you crave, no artificial intelligence required. Only drugs.

While we’re talking about generative AI, don’t forget to check out the coolest new invention yet: MASTERAI. It’s a 24-hour lifestyle coach, therapist, granola bar, and babysitter rolled into one, and you’ll soon see exactly why it’s the AI experience of the future.

Stay informed, folks.