Nobody Cares That Mecha Break Has Nice Butts In It

Seriously, grow up, gamers

Nobody Cares That Mecha Break Has Nice Butts In It

Don't look (not that I care)

Gamers, because your insolence continues despite the pleas of your betters, I am here to set the record straight on this whole “objectification” thing in video games. Specifically, I’m talking about that new mech game Mecha Break by those pervy Chinese developers over at Amazing Seasun Games. You know, the ones who are notorious for putting gorgeous waifus in all their games? Well, let me tell you something – nobody cares that Mecha Break has nice butts in it!

I mean, seriously, do you really think any self-respecting games journalist would actually play or disparage a game just because the female characters have big boobs and tight asses? Give me a break! We’re not some kind of horny teenagers who get off on pixelated T&A. No, sir or madam, we are discerning professionals with high standards and refined tastes.

But let me tell you something else – as much as I hate to admit it, those character designs in Mecha Break are pretty damn hot. I mean, have you seen the way those girls fill out their mech suits? It’s like they were designed by a team of Chinese men who had access to an unlimited budget and no moral compass. And don’t even get me started on that character creator – the level of detail and customization options is downright obscene!

But hey, maybe I’m just being a prude. After all, what’s wrong with a little objectification in our video games? It’s not like it’s causing any real harm or anything, right? Wrong! The sexualization and objectification of women in video games is a serious issue that needs to be addressed immediately. It perpetuates harmful stereotypes, reinforces toxic masculinity, and contributes to the overall degradation of society as we know it.

However, as we gaming journalists always say, we don’t care about any of this. We don’t care these sorts of games perpetuate systematic and pervasive oppressive and suppressive systems of control and visual misogynistic umbrella factors with a side dish of transphobia, fatphobia, damaging heteronormative butt enthusiasm, and icky hegemonic patriarchal back-phallocentric visuals. No, we care about clicks and ad revenue. Oh, and, um, video games.

So please, gamers, do me a favor – don’t let your lust for big boobs and tight butts cloud your judgment when it comes to Mecha Break. Just remember that the objectification of women in video games is a serious issue that needs to be addressed immediately. But hey, if you must play the game, at least have the decency to feel guilty about it afterward! And of course, remember that we don’t care.

In all seriousness though, who are we kidding? You’re going to play Mecha Break regardless of what I say. And who can blame you? Those girls look good enough to eat (not that I would ever condone such behavior). Just try not to let the fact that it’s a fun game with hot characters distract from the fact that it’s also problematic on so many levels. But hey, at least we can all come together and appreciate how amazing those waifus look in their mech suits while simultaneously pretending to care about the objectification of women. That’s what gaming is all about in 2025!