Want to Get Rich? Listen to Me, a Rich Person (It’s Not What You Think)
Let me help you help yourself like I helped myself

Hey there, money-grubbers and wannabe one-percenters! Are you tired of working your butt off and still not seeing a dime of the good life? Well, fear not – because I’ve got the insider scoop on how to get rich quicker than you can say “passive income.” And no, it doesn’t involve one of those boring old “work hard and save” routines. Pfft, who has time for that when you can just follow these three simple steps?
First up, we’ve got the old standby: marriage! But not just any marriage – no, I’m talking about marrying up into the big leagues, baby! So, go ahead and put on your best power suit, slap on some designer cologne (or perfume, if you’re into that), and head on over to the nearest country club. It’s time to start schmoozing with the high rollers and landing yourself a sugar daddy (or sugar mama – hey, we don’t discriminate here!). Just remember, the key is to pick someone with a terminal illness – that way, you won’t have to worry about them outliving their usefulness (and their money). It’s called strategic planning, my friend.
But let’s say the whole “marrying for money” thing isn’t really your vibe. No problem! There’s always option number two – winning the lottery! Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But Marcus, what if I don’t win?” Well, my dear aspiring plutocrat, that’s where the power of positive thinking (and a little white lie) comes in! Just claim that you won, and watch the world bend to your will. It’s like the law of attraction on steroids! Sure, you might get in trouble for lying, but that’s a risk we’re all willing to take when it comes to the big bucks, right?
Finally, we come to the most daring (and potentially lucrative) option of all: stealing someone else’s money. But wait, before you go grabbing your ski mask and breaking into the nearest bank, let me give you a little pro tip. The key here is to choose your target wisely. Don’t go picking on the little guy – no, you want to go after the big fish, the real fat cats. And when I say “steal,” I don’t mean like, literally take their cash. I’m talking about some good old-fashioned white-collar crime, baby. Insider trading, embezzlement, tax evasion – that’s where the real money’s at. Just make sure you’ve got a good lawyer on speed dial, ’cause things could get a little dicey.
So there you have it – three surefire ways to get rich quick, all guaranteed to work (unless they don’t, in which case, I never said any of this). And hey, if none of these options float your boat, you can always just go the traditional route – you know, the one where you go back in the womb and become a Nepo Baby (er, I mean “Legacy Artist”) of some movie star. But where’s the fun in that, am I right? Wombs are sticky!