Is Crypto Even Real? I Am Having an Existential Crisis Right Now Aaaaah
So lately I’ve been thinking…big mistake

Hey there, crypto-broskis and crypto-Talibans! It’s ya boy Crypto Slap back at it again with another piping hot take on the world of blockchain and digital assets. But this time, things are getting a little… trippy. Like, I just smoked a whole lot of weed and now I’m questioning everything, including whether crypto is even real at all. Am I in the matrix? Am I the AI personality you’re dating? Am I just a hologram projected onto the screen of your mind? Who knows, man! All I know is that right now, my head is spinning and crypto is looking a lot less like the future of money and a lot more like a collective hallucination that we’re all sharing.
Let me set the scene for you, if you can call it that: I’m sitting here in my beanbag chair, staring at the Tron network’s node activity in real-time. It’s like a psychedelic screensaver, with lines of data and code scrolling by in neon green and purple. The colors are mesmerizing, almost hypnotic, and I start to wonder: is this actually happening? Are there really thousands of computers around the world all connected, all working together to keep this digital ledger up and running? Or is it all just a trick of the light, a shared illusion that we’re all buying into because it feels good to believe in something?
And that leads me to the big question: is crypto even real? I mean, think about it: crypto is just a bunch of numbers on a computer screen, right? It’s not like you can hold it in your hand or see it or feel it. It’s just data, zeros and ones bouncing around on a server farm somewhere. But we act like it’s real, don’t we? We talk about it like it’s the future of money, like it’s going to change the world. We pour our life savings into it, we argue about it on X and Telegram, we lose sleep over it. But what if it’s all just a big cosmic joke, a prank played on us by some higher-dimensional beings who are laughing their asses off at how seriously we’re taking it?
The more I think about it, the more I start to question everything. Like, what even is money anyway? Is it real? Is it just a collectively agreed-upon fiction that we all buy into so we can function in society? And if money isn’t real, then what the hell is crypto? It’s like… it’s like we’re all living in the crypto-matrix, and we don’t even know it!
But then again, maybe that’s the beauty of it all. Maybe crypto is a shared delusion, a collective hallucination that we’re all choosing to believe in because it makes our lives feel more meaningful. Maybe the fact that it’s not “real” in the traditional sense is exactly what makes it so powerful and transformative. After all, money is just a story we tell ourselves, isn’t it? A story about value and scarcity and trust. And crypto is just a new chapter in that story, a new way of thinking about what money can be.
So who knows, maybe this is all just a bunch of stoned rambling, the half-baked musings of a crypto-bro who’s had a little too much of the ganja and not enough of the good sense. But maybe, just maybe, there’s a kernel of truth in all of this existential weirdness. Maybe crypto is real in the sense that we make it real, that we give it meaning and value through our collective belief and participation. And maybe that’s what makes it so exciting and so revolutionary: the fact that it’s a creation of our own making, a shared fiction that we’re all writing together.
Cool, cool.