Experts Warn: Thinking Too Hard Can Turn You Into A Misogynist

In a shocking turn of events, the medical community is warning that simply thinking too hard may have detrimental effects on one’s mental health. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, the simple act of using your brain can lead to severe consequences such as misogyny, racism, and even becoming a conservative. It’s a scary thought, but it’s true. And I know this because I saw it on Bluesky, which is the new Twitter for people who don’t like being disagreed with.
You might be thinking, “Karen, how could thinking too hard possibly lead to such awful things?” Well, let me break it down for you. You see, when you engage in critical thinking, it causes your neurons to fire in ways that can alter your worldview. It’s like when you’re trying to solve a really hard puzzle, but instead of feeling a sense of accomplishment when you figure it out, you’re filled with an overwhelming sense of existential dread. That’s because thinking too hard can make you realize how complex and confusing the world really is. And when you can’t make sense of it, your brain starts to look for scapegoats. At least that’s what some experts say.
That’s where misogyny comes in. If you’re a man who has been thinking too hard, you might start to resent women because you perceive them as the source of all your problems. It’s like when you’re trying to put together IKEA furniture, and you just can’t figure it out, so you take it out on your wife or girlfriend. It’s not her fault, but you blame her anyway. And that’s internet misogyny in a nutshell.
But wait, it gets worse! If you keep thinking too hard, you might start to question everything you believe in. And that’s when you become a conservative. It’s like when you’re so lost and confused that you start to believe in conspiracy theories and alternative facts. You cling to outdated notions of tradition and authority because it’s the only way to make sense of a world that doesn’t make sense. And before you know it, you’re wearing a MAGA hat and shouting “fake news” at anyone who disagrees with you.
So, what’s the solution? Well, experts say that the key is to avoid thinking too hard. Just accept what journalists, news anchors, Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, activists, people of colour, people of size, womb-carriers, ACAB freaks, and Global Elites (besides Elon Musk) say, without question.
Don’t try to analyze or challenge their ideas, because that’s how you get into trouble. Just go with the flow, and don’t ask too many questions. After all, it’s better to be a bit naive than to risk turning into a raging misogynist or conservative. So next time you feel like using your brain, just remember: ignorance is bliss. And if someone calls you a sheep, just tell them that sheep are smart because they follow their shepherd.
In conclusion, if you or someone you know is struggling with thinking too hard, it’s important to seek help immediately. Talk to a therapist, a life coach, or a trusted friend who can help you unlearn those dangerous critical thinking skills. And remember, there’s no shame in being a little bit dumb if it means saving your soul (and your Bluesky following) in the process. Stay safe out there, and whatever you do, don’t think too much!