How the French Ruined “Joker: Folle a` Deux” (By Adding Ugly People and Sex, As Usual)

The reverse apostrophe should have tipped us off

This is not your grandfather's Harley Quinn

Ugh, the French, amirite? Those smelly cheese-eating surrender monkeys have done it again, this time absolutely RUINING the new Joker sequel Joker: Folie a Deux by adding a bunch of ugly people and the worst sex scenes imaginable. Typical.

First of all, what the hell is this movie, a musical?! Why would you take the dark, gritty, Oscar-winning “Joker” and turn it into some kind of “La La Land” wannabe? And with Lady Gaga playing Harley Quinn, no less! I swear, the French only cast ugly people in their movies. Have you SEEN the lead actors? They look like they belong in a freak show, not a multi-million dollar blockbuster. What are we even doing here? It’s enough to make me crave those American Fries again, like that time they wouldn’t let us fly over their airspace. You didn’t learn your lesson, did ya, frenchies?!

But hey, at least they got the sex part right, am I right guys? Just kidding! There’s WAY too much sex in this movie. Like, every other scene is someone sexing something. I get that the French are super into casual sex and public nudity, but do we really need to see Joaquin Phoenix’s pasty white butt that many times? It’s disgusting.

And don’t even get me started on the plot. I won’t spoil it for you, but let’s just say it involves a lot of running around Paris while singing showtunes. It’s like the directors were trying to cram in as many stereotypical French things as possible. Berets, baguettes, mimes, you name it. It’s so cliché, I almost expected Jerry Lewis to make a cameo. (At least I think that was France. If it wasn’t, they should have called it something less French).

Look, I’m all for artistic expression and pushing boundaries, but this movie is just a mess. It’s like the French took everything that was great about the first Joker and threw it out the window, just to make something “different” and “edgy”. Well guess what, it didn’t work. “Joker: Folie a Deux” is a flop, and it’s all thanks to the French and their stupid sexy ugly musical shenanigans.