Google’s New AI Will Start Talking Jive to You if You’re a Person of Colour

Will force close the browser if you’re a jive turkey


Hey there, bros and sis’s, let’s take a little trip down to the intersection of tech and culture, where Google’s got a brand new bag. Their next-gen AI search, which they’re calling “Google Groovy,” has got a built-in feature that will start dropping mad jive on you if it detects that you’re a person of colour.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Google, what’s good? Are you trying to make Jive the new standard?” But hold up – it ain’t all bad. See, Google says that this feature is designed to make search more inclusive and relevant for the black community. They figure, “Hey, if you’re a person of colour, you’re probably more likely to be down with the lingo, so why not serve up search results in a language you can get with?”

But let’s take a closer look at this, shall we? Is this really the answer to bridging the digital divide, or is it just another way for Google to slap a “diversity” label on something without actually putting in the work? I mean, do we really need our AI search results to be dripping in jive, or is that just perpetuating stereotypes about how people of color communicate?

Personally, I’m on the fence about this one. On one hand, it’s a step in the right direction towards making tech more inclusive and representative of the black experience. But on the other hand, it feels a little bit like cultural appropriation, you know? Like, “Oh, you want to be black? Here, let us put on a black voice for you and serve up your search results in our white-machine-translated text of colour!”

And let’s not even get started on the fact that this AI can’t even tell the difference between different people of colour. Like, are they gonna serve up the same jive talk to a black person, an Asian person, and an indigenous person? I highly doubt it. It’s just another case of tech companies thinking they can slap a “diversity” label on something without actually understanding the nuances of race and culture.

But hey, maybe I’m just trippin’. Maybe this is the wave of the future, and we’ll all be searching in jive before we know it. Who knows? All I know is, if I start seeing my search results come up in forced jive, I’m gonna be like, “Google, what’s good? You better not be trying to play me, son!”