Canada Outlaws Conservative Babies of All Ages; “Our Country is Severely Overpopulated,” God-King Trudeau Claims


First MAID, now this

In a shocking move, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced a ban on all conservative babies and individuals, citing an urgent need to address Canada’s “severe overpopulation” problem, which he claims is being driven by “racists.”

The new policy, called the “Zero Conservatives Initiative,” would make it illegal for conservatives of any age to exist in Canada, with offenders facing stiff penalties, including mandatory re-education camps and a loss of citizenship. Trudeau unveiled the plan during a press conference, where he was flanked by a diverse group of woke activists and his wife, Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau.

“Look, this is an emergency,” Trudeau said, his voice dripping with authority, “Our country is out of space, and we need to act now before it’s too late.” He went on to explain that conservatives are a threat to “diversity, inclusion, and progress,” and that their mere existence is holding Canada back from reaching its full potential as a socialist utopia, as well as taking up many of the coolest apartments.

The initiative would involve a nationwide dragnet, with authorities searching homes and rounding up any suspected conservatives for “rehabilitation.” Those who resist will be sentenced to “de-conservatization camps” in the frozen wastelands of Nunavut, where they will be forced to watch the entire first season of “Workin’ Moms” on repeat until they “get with the program.”

Critics have slammed the policy as a blatant power grab by Trudeau, who they accuse of using the guise of “overpopulation” to silence political opposition and consolidate his grip on power. But Trudeau dismissed these concerns, saying, “Look, if you’re not a conservative, you have nothing to worry about. In fact, you’ll probably get a raise in the new economy we’re building.”

When asked how he plans to enforce the ban on conservative babies, Trudeau smiled slyly and said, “Oh, we have ways. Let’s just say that if a baby cries in the forest and no one hears it, it’s probably not a liberal democrat.”

As for what will happen to the millions of conservatives currently living in Canada, Trudeau said that they will be given a “grace period” to renounce their conservative ways and “get with the program,” or face deportation to “a place where their kind are more welcome, like El Salvador.”

The new policy is set to take effect on April 1st, which Trudeau insists is “not a joke.” He ended the press conference with a rousing call to action, saying, “Together, we can make Canada a truly progressive nation, free from the scourge of conservative thought. It’s time to rise up and take our country back!”

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