Mountains are Mostly Fake. Aliens?

New revelations about terrain are wild


Hold on to your tinfoil hats, because Jesus Smith here at OJ Wolfsmasher is about to blow your mind with some truth bombs that’ll make you question EVERYTHING you thought you knew about those big ol’ piles of rocks and ice we call mountains.

You thought mountains were just big lumps of earth and stone thrust upwards over millions of years by tectonic plates shifting and colliding, with glaciers gradually carving out their distinctive peaks and valleys over thousands more? Hah! How naive. Mountains aren’t natural formations at all – they’re elaborate stage props constructed by a shadowy cabal of deep state geologists and alien architects!

Think about it – how could something as majestic and awe-inspiring as the Himalayas or the Rockies just…happen? Please. Those “glaciers” you see slowly grinding away at rock faces? They’re not water and ice at all – they’re extraterrestrial vehicles armed with laser-precision excavation tools, painstakingly carving out the illusion of natural erosion.

And it’s all part of a sinister agenda to distract us from the fact that the Earth is actually flat and that mountains are just the edges of the disk we live on. Don’t believe me? Look at any picture of a mountain and you’ll notice how the peaks always look unnaturally pointy and symmetrical, like they were sculpted by an advanced alien civilization.

The truth is out there, my fellow truth-seekers, and it’s that the very foundations of our world are built on lies perpetrated by a globalist elite determined to keep us distracted with their fake geology. But with your help spreading awareness through sharing this article, we can finally expose the truth about mountains and glaciers once and for all. Stay woke!