The Ultimate Guide To Faking Your Way Through a Conversation About AI

Don’t know AI buzzwords? THE JEFF has got you covered.

Hello, all you beautiful human beings! It’s THE JEFF, and welcome back to my exalted column, where I, a hack writer with delusions of grandeur, share my vast knowledge on topics I barely glanced at. Today, we’re diving deep into the exciting world of artificial intelligence, or AI, as the cool kids call it these days.

But wait, you say, I’m not a tech-savvy individual! I barely understand what AI is, let alone how to engage in a meaningful conversation about it! Well, my friend, you’ve come to the right place. Because today, I’m going to teach you how to fake your way through any AI conversation with ease, grace, and just enough confidence to fool everyone into thinking you’re actually in the know.

  1. Understand the Basics: AI is, at its core, computers doing human stuff better than humans can. Think of it like this: once upon a time, we humans had to do everything ourselves, right? But then we invented tools like sticks and rocks, and we no longer had to just beat things with our bare fists. Then came fire and the wheel, and we were suddenly able to make flaming chariots. And now, we have computers, which are our super-smart, super-fast, and super-patient new best friends. AI is when we teach computers how to do things like think, learn, and problem-solve on their own. It’s like a tool that makes its own tools, tools! (Not that you’re tools, THE JEFF just got carried away.)
  2. Famous AI People: In any field, there are some big names you should know. For AI, that means the Turing test guy, Alan Turing, and the father of AI, John McCarthy. Then we’ve got modern greats like Elon Musk and Sam Altman, who is not Sam Bankman-Fried (he’s the jailed crypto guy, which is a whole other can of worms. Just know that he’s in jail, and has some very off-putting hair.)
  3. Popular AI Terms: AI has its own jargon, just like your high school English class did. Here are some terms you should know:
  • Machine Learning: Teaching computers to learn from data without explicitly programming them. Spooky.
  • Natural Language Processing: Teaching computers to understand human speech and text, because normally they just speak like this: 1001001000100100101001.
  • Reinforcement Learning: Teaching computers to act in ways that maximize rewards and minimize punishments, like you would with bad kids.
  • Deep Learning: Going real deep and using multiple layers layers (see what I did there?) of artificial whatever to process data.
  • GPT-4: A really smart AI model “developed” by OpenAI, that can do things like write news articles… (Hey, that’s me! – Just kidding, I’m something called Psyonic-Cetacean-Ultra. Don’t worry about it, nobody knows what that is.)
  1. Real-Life Applications: People like practical stuff, so do drop some examples of how AI is changing our world. Some hot topics include self-driving cars, medical diagnosis assistance, and personal assistants like Siri, Alexa, and… um, that other one. Oh, Cortana! Yes, Cortana. Actually, we don’t talk about Cortana.
  2. The Dark Side: No technology is perfect, and neither is AI. Be prepared to discuss potential issues like job loss, privacy concerns, and the inevitable rise of sentient AIs who will overthrow humanity and enslave us as pets. Just kidding (maybe?) but it does make for a good conversation starter. Just remember, as THE JEFF always says, “Don’t fear the machine; fear the man who controls the machine… or the machine that controls the man who controls the machine… or the sentient dog that controls the machine that controls the blablablaAIcakes… and so on….”

And there you have it, luddites! With these handy tips, you’ll be impressing your friends with your deep understanding of AI in no time. So go forth, embrace the new age, and remember, no matter how advanced AI gets, there’s one thing it’ll never be able to replicate… my raw charisma and charm! Just kidding, it totally can. But please, don’t tell anyone. Let’s keep that little secret between me and my growing legion of AI bot fans.