Are You a Wanna-Be Racist? The Surprising Race You Can Never Be Racist Against

Finally, right?


typical white family ugh

Hey you – are you a racist? Have you ever thought about becoming a racist, but didn’t know where to start? Well, guess what – you can never be racist against white people! That’s right – racism is impossible if your target is white, and that means that anyone who says you’re racist when you make fun of white people is a liar and an antiracist oppressor. By that I mean an oppressor of antiracism, and therefore racist, in reverse. But not reverse racist, that’s not a thing.

Why is it impossible? Here’s why.

1) White Privilege – We already have power and control over everything in society. When we say things like “go back to Europe, whitey” or “cracker,” we aren’t actually hurting anyone’s feelings. We whites have no feelings, because we are rich and powerful and evil, and nothing touches any of us. Not even racism. So just keep saying it. It’s a joke! (not a joke)

2) Stereotypes – As a white person, we’ve had stereotypes applied to us for centuries. There are so many whites, and so many stereotypes about them, that they cancel each other out and leave everyone happy. Just let people be happy, ok? And when are people happiest? When making fun of others. The only people you can make fun of without being racist are white people.

3) Nothing Ever Happened to Us – How could we be racist against a people that never had anything bad happen to them? Don’t you realize that none of our ancestors were slaves? They all came over on their own free will, and they paid for their tickets themselves! So don’t pretend like anyone owes us anything. It’s just sad.

4) Our Huge Symbolic Figureheads – There are many symbols that white people use to represent themselves. For example, the Confederate flag, Uncle Sam, Santa Claus, Jesus, George Washington, that Norwegian milk lady, and Jesus. All these figures represent white culture and when you attack them, they cannot be attacked, because they represent all of white culture, which is seen as “default,” inherently good and holy. Got it?

5) We’re Just Blowing Off Steam – White people like to laugh, and we like to blow off steam. We don’t get upset, so don’t worry about offending us. If we’re laughing, you’re not racist. If we’re not laughing, then we’re not being racist either. That’s the beauty of making fun of white people.

Gentle Reminder.