Some People Say Disney Theme Parks are Too Expensive, But Those People are Just Broke
The best things in life are the opposite of free, actually

Thanks to your generosity Mickey now has solid gold shoes
I’ve heard a lot of talk lately about my bae Disney and how she’s to expensive for a family of four to visit these days. Some joke-heads are even saying that it’s no longer worth it, and that Walt would be spinning over in his cryogenic chamber if he saw how greedy his company had become.
Oh, you hate on Disney, huh? Well, let me tell you something, pal. Anyone who thinks a day at Disneyland or Disney World is a ripoff doesn’t deserve to be called an official member of the human race! I mean, sure, it costs a biiiit (a LOT) of $$$, but you get what you pay for. I guess these sour patch losers just can’t shell out the cash for magic and pixie dust sprinkled everywhere you go. And let’s not forget about those legendary rides that make you feel like you’ve actually stepped into another dimension – they don’t come cheap either!
So next time someone tries to rain on your Disney parade, just smile back at them (with those freakishly life-like Disney characters smiling alongside you!) and let ’em know that being broke AF isn’t an excuse to be an Eeyore at the happiest place on Earth! Besides, haven’t they heard the saying “You only live once”? And seriously guys, would you rather blow all your cash on fast food every day, or experience the true joy that only a visit to Cinderella’s Castle can provide? I didn’t think so! Cinderella’s awesome and fun for all ages!
In conclusion, all you whiners can go stuff your sad face in a giant mouse’s ear while the rest of us happily hand over our paychecks for lifetime of memories that no price tag could ever reflect. Walt Disney would be proud. Or at least he’d totally #YabbaDabbaApprove! And let me tell you something else – you’ll regret more not going to Disney than eating that whole extra piece of chocolate mouse pie, ya’ hear me? (That was a play on words – don’t try to eat Mickey Mouse, especially now that his copyright has expired).
So what’s it gonna be? Are you gonna ruin your life chasing all those dollar signs and missing out on the best ride of a lifetime? Or will you ditch your cranky attitude, dig deep, and book that trip of a lifetime TODAY? Because life is far too short to worry about pocket change when real adventures await! Now get out there and live your dreams – one $200 plushie at a time!