Cold Showers Are Good, But Not Good Enough: Try This Other Cold Thing Instead
Disclaimer: DO NOT do this

Hello, fellow adventurous Crypto Slappers! I’m sure we all have heard about the mental, physical, and financial benefits of cold showers, right? Since none of us can think for ourselves, we all do it every day, and it’s great. But what if I told you it’s not enough? You see, there is a new cold thing that’s sweeping the crypto bro and chick space, and it’s even better than hating your morning cleaning ritual.
If you thought cold showers were invigorating, prepare to be frozen solid with the latest winter life hack sweeping the nation: the Ice Cube Assault. Instead of limping out of bed to face another dreary day, blast yourself awake with a barrage of icy projectiles courtesy of Mother Nature herself. It’s like a spa treatment meets extreme sports in the comfort of your own backyard. Here’s how to do it:
Gather your supplies:
– A large bag of ice cubes (enough to cover your torso)
– A sturdy pair of shorts/swim trunks
– A reliable (but safe!) potato gun
– A snowy area (preferably unpopulated)
Step 1: Fill ‘er up. Load your trusty potato gun with several inches of birdseed, peas, or whatever non-lethal ammo you prefer. Make sure it’s pointed away from anything breakable, including yourself.
Step 2: Strip down. Don your chosen attire and stand tall.
Step 3: Fire away! Take aim at your exposed chest, keeping a safe distance until you’re ready.
Step 4: Brace for impact. Feel the icy jolts penetrate every inch of your body as they strike, sending adrenaline coursing through your veins.
Step 5: Repeat as necessary. Or until you’re sufficiently awake.
That’s it! With just a few simple steps, you’ve turned a mundane morning routine into an exhilarating experience that will leave you feeling refreshed and alive. Plus, who doesn’t love the satisfaction of seeing their breath in subzero temperatures? Warning: Do NOT attempt this near children, pets, or any fragile objects. Also, consult a doctor before trying if pregnant or having heart issues. Happy freezing!