Mounting Evidence Suggests Our Current Donald Trump Might Be a Permanent 3D Deepfake
How hard would it really be to make a Trump AI?

It is no secret that our eminently hateable former “President,” Donald Trump, has become the victim of numerous deepfake videos. As the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and these videos are taking advantage of this by showing us things that aren’t real and daring us to believe them. We have all seen the videos of Trump playing video games and saying shocking things that we know in our hearts isn’t really him. Or do we?
The latest development in this story, however, takes things to the next level. As it turns out, there is mounting evidence to suggest that the current Donald Trump is, in fact, a permanent deepfake. While it may be hard to believe, the evidence is compelling, and the implications are dire.
Have you ever wondered why Trump, a master debater, would decide to not participate in debates against the other 2024 Republican losers? It’s because he’s not really him! It’s actually an AI version of Trump, who’s been programmed to say and do the same things over and over again. This AI version of Trump can even be used to create new videos that will be convincing to the gullible masses.
It only makes sense that Trump would replace himself with an AI duplicate; facing legal charges, jail time, and numerous annoying trial dates, he did what anyone would do in his situation. I mean, what’s better – going to jail, or sending an AI duplicate of yourself to do the time instead?
I can hear the nay-sayers in my head now, saying all the nay. “But what about his public appearances?” They ask annoyingly. Well, there’s an explanation for that, too. Trump could have hired a few actors to play his family and a few lookalikes to pose as him in public. And with all the money he’s got, who’s to say he couldn’t have afforded a few good actors? With all the people out there trying to look like Trump, it would be child’s play to find a patsy, pay him lots of money, dress him in a Trump suit, and get AI to provide the words and the voice.
Of course, the big question is, why would the current Donald Trump decide to replace himself with an AI clone? The answer is simple: to keep making money. While the original Trump is currently in hiding, the AI Trump can continue to make his presence known, appearing on TV and making outrageous statements. With the help of the internet and social media, the AI Trump can reach more people than ever before, and he can generate revenue through advertising and donations from supporters.
While it’s hard to imagine a world where a politician is replaced by an AI, it’s becoming a reality. It may even be a reality already. In fact, how can you be sure that Billly, the person writing these words right now, isn’t an AI?