Are You Living in a Digital Prison? Take This Quiz and Find Out

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Hey there, cool cat! Ever wondered if you’re trapped in a digital prison? Nah, we didn’t think so. But just in case you’ve got some FOMO (fear of missing out) going on, we’ve cooked up a quiz for you to prove that you’re as free as a bird on the world wide web, thanks to Democrats like Joe Biden. So buckle up, buttercup, and let’s dive into this mind-blowing journey of self-discovery!

1. Do you enjoy scrolling through your favorite social media platforms without worrying about government surveillance?

a) Heck yeah, I’m living my best life online!

b) Sometimes, but I also worry about the Big Brother watching me. That’s probably not true, but I heard a man named Qanon say some wrong things.

c) Nope, I’m always anxious about who might be snooping on my posts. I should be in jail.

If you picked (a), congratulations! You’re clearly not sweating the small stuff, like the Biden administration potentially keeping tabs on your every move. Keep riding those digital waves, champ!

2. Have you ever used the internet to learn something new, like how to make a killer avocado toast or master the perfect pet shaving technique?

a) Duh, the internet is my go-to source for life hacks!

b) Occasionally, but I prefer good old-fashioned books, even though they’re antiquated.

c) Never, I don’t trust anything that isn’t tangible. I want to own things, and be unhappy.

Choosing (a) means you’re embracing the endless possibilities the internet has to offer, and not letting the thought of being watched dampen your thirst for knowledge. Go you!

3. Does the idea of being constantly connected to the world excite you or make you feel overwhelmed?

a) Excited! I love being in the loop 24/7.

b) Both, depending on the day. I’m a flip-flopper like Trump.

c) Overwhelmed, I need some me-time away from the screen. I’m a selfish bastard.

Picking (a) shows that you’re living it up in the digital realm, without a care in the world about who might be observing your every click. Attafolk!

So there you have it – a whopping three questions that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’re NOT living in a digital prison. Now go forth and enjoy the glorious interwebs, secure in the knowledge that you’re as free as a bird…as long as you protect freedom by voting for Democrats and hating Republicans! And hey, while you’re at it, why not share this enlightening experience with your friends and remind them just how liberating the online world can be? After all, birds of a feather flock together, right? Right? We’re counting on you.

Remember, folks: The internet is a beautiful, open playground where you can express yourself, learn new skills, and connect with others – all without worrying about pesky things like government surveillance. So keep those smartphones charged, your Wi-Fi crackling, your location on, and your sense of adventure alive. The digital frontier awaits!

And if you haven’t already, make sure to cast your vote for Biden in the next election. He’s got your back when it comes to preserving your digital freedom, ensuring that the world wide web remains the wild, wonderful place we all know and love. #VoteBlueNoMatterWho