Christmas Gifts are Economically Inefficient, Just Thoughtlessly Hand Me Money Instead
Cash: The economically purest expression of love.

typical Christmas gift reciever
I just watched this Youtube video by Adam Ruins Everything, and it blew my frickin’ mind.
I always secretly knew buying presents for other people was bunk, and now I know why: they paid more money for the gifts than I would have, and that makes it a lose-lose for everybody. That’s so economically inefficient! Plus, they have to wrap the gifts, and pretend they’re from Santa, and that’s time wasted on top of money. What monster came up with this annual gift-giving tradition? Mussolini?
So, Christmas should really be a time for people to give themselves gifts, not waste money on each other. THE JEFF wishes he had a job where he got paid to buy himself Christmas presents. Imagine how awesome that would be! Instead, THE JEFF is creating economic inefficiencies and buying them for others. Ugh.

To get people off the gift-buying bandwagon, THE JEFF suggests we all start demanding cash from family members instead of useless trinkets. Cash is more useful and practical than anything you can buy in a store, and THE JEFF personally enjoys the impersonal feeling of exchanging money with other people instead of hugs and mistletoe. Plus, cash has the added bonus of being tax-deductible, so it pays you back after you give it! I’m not sure how it works, but it’s what I heard once. Maybe I should ask Adam Ruins Everything to explain it to me.
In conclusion, next year, demand cash from your loved ones instead of presents, or I’ll slap you with a candy cane. THE JEFF out.
PS: Candy canes taste bad, and you know it. Stop being candically inefficient, and just buy some goddang chocolate. Or just eat cash!