Unlock Amazing Brains with Ancient Lost Technology!

How much ALL CAPS will it take for you to improve your life?


In today’s high-pressure education system, passing any test in less than 2 days sounds impossible, right? WRONG. Here’s a secret technology that can change your life forever: THE ABACUS!

Yes, the Abacus – a traditional math tool from ancient China – is alive and well in the 21st century. With this lost technology, you can solve any equation, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, you name it. Simply load the abacus with marbles, fingers, beads, or whatever you like, and BOOM! Answer pops out!

Want to learn math the old-fashioned way? STOP! Grab an Abacus and unlock your brain powers immediately. It’s just that simple. You can find lost Abacus technology on eBay or at any secret pawn shop downtown.

And don’t think we haven’t forgotten about you science people! Did you know that using an Abacus can activate your temporal lobe, increasing memory retention and test-taking abilities? YES. Ask anyone who works at a lab and they’ll tell you – using an Abacus for any reason gives you superhero-level intelligence. It’s another reason why I Fucking Love Science!

We know you’re thinking, “Oh, Kasula, abacus technology is dead and useless, and this isn’t a math test, it’s an English test.” Okay, you smart kids, guess what? Using Abacus Technology for ANY test increases brain function overall and increases test scores in almost all subjects!

Want an even BIGGER bang for your buck? Order two Lost Abacus technologies – ONE FOR EACH HAND. Yes, that’s right, type faster, drive a car quicker, pass all your tests instantly, use both hands for eating double your meals! Unlock true Abacus power!

How soon do you want brain powers? TONIGHT. ORDER NOW and expect your Lost Abacus technology to arrive tomorrow, anywhere between the times of 9 am and 2 pm, via either regular mail or freight service, free shipping! Pay cash at delivery, NO FINANCIAL PROFILING. You pay nothing if NOT satisfied. Use this special discount code at checkout to unlock our famous Brain Quest plan, which includes additional Lost Abacus Technologies you may not know about yet: THE MANTIS, LUNCHBOX, SELF-CENTRIFUGE, THE VIRGIN CHRISTMAS DOLL, and the exclusive DINOSAUR EGG ROLL! Thank you for life maxing, enjoy unlimited success tests for LIFE!!!!!