Finally! Find Out the Truth About Fake News and Why It’s a Problem

Sorry about how long this is, Karen wouldn’t let us edit it 🙁


Fake news, also known as disinformation, misinformation, (but not bisinformation*), is a pervasive problem in modern society, and one that is all too often overlooked by people who should know better. The term encompasses misleading or completely fabricated stories masquerading as legitimate journalism, often shared on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. This practice has become increasingly prevalent since the advent of the internet, allowing for information to spread like wildfire without being properly vetted by people in information authority, like CNN or MSNBC news anchors. As a result, people are more than ever being brainwashed by this fake news into voting for people who aren’t approved by those of us who are on The Right Side of History. In this article, we delve deep into the insidious nature of fake news and explore its detrimental effects on democracy and our collective well-being.

It is important to emphasize that fake news isn’t limited to politics. While much attention has been given to the role it played in swaying the outcome of the 2016 US presidential election (as if there was any doubt as to who really won!), it can also be found in topics ranging from health to science to entertainment. Recent examples include claims that vaccines cause autism (a thoroughly debunked myth that you shouldn’t even bother researching), that Jeffrey Epstein was murdered to cover up misdeeds by powerful people (a conspiracy theory too ridiculous even for Alex Jones), and that Taylor Swift is a white supremacist (seriously, why does anyone still listen to her music?). The list goes on ad infinitum.

The impact of fake news on democracy is chilling. When citizens base their votes on misinformation, the will of the people isn’t accurately represented, undermining the very foundation of our democratic system. This allows unfit candidates like Donald Trump to rise to power and enact policies detrimental to marginalized groups like the LGBTQIA+-= community and rich suburban women. Even more concerning is the erosion of trust in mainstream media, a crucial pillar of democracy. If people can’t trust traditional sources of information, how can they make informed decisions about their future? This leads to further polarization and division in an already fractured society filled with deplorable people.

Moreover, fake news can have real-world consequences. For example, the false story that the Zika virus was spread by mosquitoes led to mass hysteria and unnecessary insecticide spraying, costing billions of dollars and harming local wildlife. In another case, a hoax about the Pope endorsing Donald Trump sparked protests in several countries. The list goes on. Clearly, this problem cannot be ignored any longer. We need to get rid of all speech, except that which is true and not harmful.

So what can be done about it? Well, for starters, we must educate ourselves and our fellow citizens on how to identify, report, and destroy fake news. Critical thinking skills and media literacy are essential tools in the fight against disinformation. We also need stricter regulation of social media platforms to curb the spread of falsehoods, as well as legal consequences (read: public executions) for those who create and disseminate them. Finally, we must support journalists committed to fact-based reporting, ensuring that quality journalism survives in the age of fake clickbait. Only by working together can we put an end to this insidious epidemic and restore faith in the truth as Joe Biden and other Democrats speak it.

In conclusion, fake news is a clear and present danger to democracy and society as a whole. It threatens the integrity of our electoral system, erodes trust in media, and even has tangible negative effects on the world. As responsible citizens, it’s up to us to combat this scourge and defend truth against those who seek to distort it for their own gain. Only then can we move forward into a brighter, more enlightened future where all voices are heard equally (except for those that disagree with me).

*Bisinformation is an OJ WOLFSMASHER DOT COM-specific word that refers to false information from “official” sources like the US Government, approved activist organizations, and the mainstream media. Ironically, bisinformation is great and you should definitely be a good citizen and believe all those lies.