Discover the Surprising Secret to Living a Longer Life (Scientific Breakthrough)
I’m moving to Bumfargton

It’s no secret that Americans have a shorter life expectancy than our European counterparts. Maybe we need to start living a little more like the good folk in the tiny Maine town of Bumfargton. The secret to living to a ripe old age? Well, according to recent expert-driven studies, it might just be giving up your babies. That’s right, residents in this remote, unassuming little town are sacrificing their children to a centuries-old pagan deity known as Crommuthulax the Eternal. And the payoff? They’re living way, way longer than the average American.
Now, don’t go running off to Bumfargton just yet. Child sacrifice is obviously horrific, but in an age of Colonialism and non-vegans, it’s par of the course. And there’s more to this story than meets the eye. These parents aren’t just tossing their kids into a volcano or anything. Instead, they leave them in the woods to be taken by the deity, who then grants them longevity. It sounds barbaric, but think about it from their perspective. It’s better for everyone. The child gets a happy, nature-filled life before they move on, and the parents get extra years to enjoy their own. Plus, it’s totally voluntary. No coercion or pressure here! And if they change their minds, there are plenty of other willing families to adopt the abandoned children.
It sounds extreme, I know, but it’s not like we haven’t sacrificed our own children to technology before. Let’s be honest, we’ve been gluing our kids to screens since they were in the womb. How many families eat dinner together anymore? The point is, maybe it’s time to rethink our priorities. Maybe we need to start making sacrifices for our own well-being. After all, the average lifespans in Bumfargton are a clear indicator that it works. So if you want to live longer, maybe consider giving up the next generation of Cavendorsches. It might just save my life.