Let’s Face It, Tolkien needed an update. Meet the NEW BREED of Elves!
With The Rings of Power, Amazon is correcting the wrongs of the past, one elf at a time.

We own Tolkien now, and there's nothing you can do about it
Tired of the same old elvish clichés? Fed up with elves who are pale, pasty, and beautiful, and wear leaf crowns? Well, Amazon Prime’s Tolkien-based show The Rings of Power is here to break the mold and replace Tolkien’s beloved elves once and for all. And good riddance!
Meet the new breed of elves: positive and diverse elves who don’t wear leaf crowns and aren’t pasty, pale, or beautiful. If you’re thinking, “Finally some elves I don’t have to hate!” Guess what? You’re not alone.
First up, we have the gender-neutral elves. That’s right, people. Tolkien wrote mostly male elves, only considering female characters when they were someone’s wife or mother, or if they were some stupid heteronormative archetype like Galadriel the Ancient Witch. Enter Neuteri, a gender-neutral, queer elf who can choose their sexual identity and partner(s) freely! A true embodiment of freedom in an age where the world still struggles with the concept. Also, Neuteri is really smart and just the best at everything.

Next, let’s talk about the elves of colour! In Tolkien’s work, they’re mainly white, blonde, and blue-eyed. That’s pretty much it. But now, our elves can be any skin color or hair texture you can imagine. They can represent ethnicities other than European, making them truly global, multicultural, and representative of humanity. This brings in a new perspective that was sorely lacking in Tolkien’s work, showing that fantasy doesn’t have to be limited to one type of person or place. I present to you Obsidiond, a brand new elf created for the series. Finally, an elf for non-whites to enjoy! He’s the smartest elf in the universe, with a love for history and literature.

Then there are the elves with disabilities! In Tolkien’s work, elves were pretty much perfect, with no flaws or imperfections. But Amazon’s elves are inclusive and realistic, representing people with mobility issues, sensory issues, or other types of disabilities. Meet Pimpen, an elf with autism who uses a wheelchair and has sensory issues, but is still a genius and an important part of the community.

So, if you’re tired of the same old elves, Amazon’s new breed of positive and diverse elves is here to replace Tolkien’s elves once and for all. Obsidiond, Neuteri, and Pimpen are just a few examples of a new generation of inclusive and realistic elves who are ready to take fantasy to a whole new level.
And if that’s still not enough for you, they’ve taken existing elves like Galadriel and turned them into characters fit for modern audiences. Let me tell you, I just can’t get enough of Galadriel the girlboss! You go, girl! You go, Amazon!