Grow Up and Accept Facts: Your Favorite Actor SHOULD Be Replaced by A.I.

These are not essential workers


Is Payj Ann Messiah really that irreplaceable?

As if the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike wasn’t enough of a headache for Hollywood producers, now we’ve got AI actors threatening to disrupt the entire industry. Can you imagine, robots taking over our silver screens? I can’t. It sounds straight out of a dystopian sci-fi novel! But guess what? That future might already be upon us.

While some may laugh off the idea of computer-generated characters replacing real humans, we should remember one thing: technology never fails. Just look at how far artificial intelligence has come in recent years. We have Siri and Alexa telling jokes (although admittedly poorly), and even chatbots capable of holding reasonably intelligent conversations. So, do we really believe that creating realistic AI actors is beyond reach?

Of course, many people argue that nothing can replicate the magic of seeing a flesh-and-blood person bring a character to life. But remember, studios don’t care about artistry; they care about profits. And if cutting costs means replacing Meryl Streep with Mark Zuckerberg Jr., well…that’s the reality we live in. And we can use it to finally be free of these douchey actors once and for all.

Which brings us back to the initial issue: why do actors feel entitled to such ridiculous demands? Sure, they make us laugh or cry, but aren’t they just entertainers hired to perform a role? Why should they dictate terms to corporations? Let’s call a spade a spade: these are narcissistic divas throwing tantrums because their shiny golden statues aren’t sparkling bright enough anymore.

In conclusion, studios need to take control and embrace the future. If that means firing all the arrogant egomaniacs and hiring cheaper, more flexible alternatives, then so be it. We, the masses, will adapt. And hey, at least AI actors won’t bore us with political rants during awards speeches!