People Are Using This Weird Trick to Make Money on the Side. Find Out What It Is and Get in on the Action!
Don’t get left behind – life is a literal race now.

Are you tired of being a broke loser with no friends and no future? Do you want to make money and impress people left and right? Well, I’ve found a weird trick that people are using to make money, and you should get in on this action.
Introducing: Steroid-Using Olympic Athletes.
Yes, that’s right. People are using steroids to become Olympic athletes, and then making money off of it. It’s insane! And it’s a secret trick that you can use to become an Olympic athlete and make some mad cash.
How does it work, you ask? Well, it’s simple. Just inject yourself with steroids, train super hard, and enter the Olympics. You’ll be a shoo-in to win, and you can then become an influencer and start selling out to sponsors. They’re called “influencers” because they “influence” dumb people to buy stuff, not because they have Influenza. You don’t even need to contract the flu to get all this sweet cash!
But wait, there’s more! You can even sell steroids to other like-minded people and have a side-hustle on the side of your side-hustle. Think of all the cash you could make! You could quit your day job and finally afford rent, and impress all your loser friends who don’t have gold medals.
So, what are you waiting for? Start injecting yourself with steroids and train hard for the Olympics. You’ll be a rich influencer in no time, and you can finally stop living in your parent’s basement.
*Editor’s note: OJ WOLFSMASHER DOT COM does not endorse steroids or any other illegal activities, so chill.